
Endorsing Kamala Harris for President

And if you support Donald Trump, please leave the Philanthropy Network.

This is the first - and so far only - Philanthropy Network Newsletter “Video Edition”. And in it, I am making an endorsement: I officially endorse Kamala Harris for President of the United States.

Can you find me in this picture? Hint: I’m bottom center and my daughter is with me, you can see her over my left shoulder.

I am also requesting that all members of the Philanthropy Network who have voted for, support, or endorse Donald Trump…Leave. Like, beat it.

Why am I asking you to leave?

Because you have violated the terms of our group.

Voting for or supporting the policies of Donald J. Trump means that you want the world to be worse for women, immigrants, teachers, and parents. You don’t care about the sick and the infirm. Or for the rights of our gay and transgendered neighbors. You’re fine abandoning our allies and our friends and are willing to turn a blind eye to graft, lying, cheating, and stealing. You are OK with our President insulting veterans as suckers or losers. You are OK with our President bragging about grabbing women by the genitals, and protecting them “Whether they like it or not”.

But most importantly, it’s because word “philanthropy” comes from the Greek words philos (meaning “love”) and anthropos (meaning “humanity”). At its core, philanthropy means a love for humanity. It refers to giving resources—whether time, money, skills, or other forms of support—to promote the well-being of others and to address social issues.


Philanthropy goes beyond mere charity. While charity often focuses on immediate relief (like providing food or shelter), philanthropy aims for long-term solutions to social challenges. Philanthropists give to support initiatives in areas like education, healthcare, environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and the arts, intending to create a lasting positive impact on society.

Donald Trump stands in firm opposition to those principles. And he uses his own foundation to enrich himself, and never - ever - gives to purposes that are actually charitable.

So to all Trump voters: Please leave this LinkedIn Group. Come back when you’ve recommitted to the principles of philanthropy.